Okay so Question: What do you do when your parents don't support your dreams? because i CERTAINLY don't know. if you dissobey and go to accomplish something that has nothing to do with prostitution, drugs nor achohol then what is the issue. in my case i don't think my parents truly understand what art is , and most family members call me the artsy child with a free spirit Mrs "hippie" and say i have a Power of the people type attitude. As we all know the summer just started and still i didn't do much. i went to a pool party at the beginning then i went to the movies and then attended a sleep over. three things i did, and it is now July 19th. -_-. My parents are WAYYYYYY to over protective. Okay Question: have you every felt like it was a hassel to ask your parents if you can do something, only to hear the answer no? Well yeah that has happend to me a MULTIPLE of times. this questions me in sooooo many ways because if you think about it. shouldn`t your parents be confident in the way the raised there children shouldn`t parents think to them self well i didn`t raise no foll and trust us teenagers to do everything and anything responsibly. because once again if you think about it that is the number one reason we rebel, because we constantly hear no when we do the right thing which is asking.And aren`t i tired of hearing that DAMN word. in my opinion i think parents are the MOST hipicritical people in the universe. i feel that they say when they are in a good mood *CLEARS THROAT* ``you guys know you can ask me for anything``. or ``i support you in everything, anything you want to get in to i will be therè``. -_- ......Okay you know thats a lie because when you get intoruble everything comes back up and they trun it into ...why did i even ask you to do this or if you can drop me off here or there.... YOU ARE MY PARENTS!!!!!! you are suppose to do that type of stuff! i shouldnt be afraid to ask you for ANYTHING! but i enjoy taking the bus and going to friggin WALMART by myself BECAUSE number 1 : i dont have to deal with the aftermath of you yelling at me because i took to long, or hearing you regret that you taken me ....or sigh and give subliminal messages about you NOT wanting to be there. so i enjoy taking my public limo. where ever i want to go with my ipod in my ear BLASTING my Musiqsoulchild that soothes my soul making me feel like i am sooooo free WHOOOOO! *takes a breath* ....and FYI i definetly certainly enjoyed my first Runway show! Iam the type of person who is daring and loves to experience any and everything. and i would like to be able to experience EVERYTHING! and sooner or later i will TRUST ME i will.... but it was WICKED awsome! an experience to remember....but that is another blog most definetly.
but for now.....live everyday like it is your last forgive and be forgiven live freely and don`t look through those negaitve google becuas your alive.