I have alot to say on this topic of sexuality. Growing up in a house hold were you were brought up knowing that being with the same sex isn't right, i have learned to not neccessarily disagree, but think outside of the box and realize that people should be able to to love whom ever they please. I feel that if they truly love the peron, and it's real then there shouldn't be a problem. I feel that our sociiety is very close minded and judgemental it is discusting. as a society we choose to label eachother negativly, which to me is insane. Our society lable Gay, Lesbian,Bisexual,Transexual etc. as disguting when really all they are looking for is love. Don't get me wrong i disagree when they choose and decide to be lustful and do all that stuff just to be nasty. Which the media usually protry gay people to be. permiscuous and disguting. When really once again all they want to do is feel love and acceptance. they want to feel some kind of comfort instead of constantly living behind this identy that just isn't them. I can honestly be truthful with myself when i say that i stand up for gay rights, even though i am none of what i listed earlier. i just HIGHLY disagree with the way they are protryed, and treated because i have been a witness to it several times. I do feel like NOW we are taking some kind of initative to stop discrimination against the gay community, by being invloved in the PRIDE PARADE (which i will be attending this year), and accepting gay marraiges in church i feel like better things will come if we as a community stick up for eachother instead of constantly putting eachother down because of our differences.At the end of the day we are all human beings we are all alike in some kind of way.
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