Let me start off by saying Lady Gaga is just plain weird! Her awkward&corky personality and her super wierd performances are just plain cray. You never know what to expect from an artist like her. My opinion on her?: i thinkshe is absaloutly kookoo! I love her songs...before the video comes out, because half the time the video has NOTHING to do with the song. Like HELLO!? have you NOT seen telephone. I really don't understand what poisoning peoples food killing half the reterant and being thrown in jail had to do with her boyfriend to stop calling her in what I pictured to be a club. I have no idea and although I had no clue what her latest song & video Alejandro ment i new for sure to expect something out of the box. I wonder what makes someone so wierd they say she was picked on but is that the outcome of people who get picked on. do you have to be showing up at award shows with a birds nest around your face, and a tall bright red hat thing that resembles some kind of anti-christ. down to her personality makes me feel awkward. Like i love gay people to but it doesn't me i always have to promote it day by day. But honestly overall i give nothing but respect to Lady Gaga because once again she is making money and selling big hits and is on HECK of a performer that makes the crowd obviously go wild. So besides all her weirdness from her "servere" bullying at school. I say go Lady Gaga you sell your records , you be unique, and make your money, because at the end of the day NO ONE can you you are not a great performer because that is just "ish"!
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