The Work Place

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:28 AM by Stephanie Williams

As a working student i have come to the conclusion that i definetly HATE working with a passion, especially if it isn't going to be my career job. See i work at this place called Canadian Tire AKA The child prision. The Managers are MEAN, the Customers MEANER, and the habitate, don't even get me started. The job is just dreadful and tiring I have to constantly lift heavy things that are bigger then me. When you ask the biys for help they say there coming but never show up. The managers always assume you are doing something suspicious.It is Honestly ANNOYING it's worse then sombody poking you with a pencil. It's not even like i can book days off!if i call in and kindly ask if i come in late because i need to stay afterschool then it's a problem. THERE IS NO GETTING OUT! isn't all what i listed against the LAW!? It's not fair i don't have a life! Well i decided that i am going to start looking for a new job. and then when i do i will quite Canadian Tire kindly explain in a letter all of the Managers Problms except one. I am also going to Dance my way out Blasting Some kind of gospel music because i will thank jesus for answering my prayers. My last words will be PEACE OUT and GOOD RIDANCE! and it is then i can breathe and witness happiness.

*SIGH* I needed to get that out.


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