Lesson Learned

Saturday, June 5, 2010 11:08 AM by Stephanie Williams

In the past month I have learend many things what to do what not to do, and at that moment when people are telling you something important as well as benificail ,you appear to be listening but really in the back of your head your getting annoyed because it's just the same speech that your mother gives you.Until the day comes when it's too late and there's nothing you could do but feel stuck and full of regret. So now your sitting in a position like what am i going to do with my life? What is best for me right now? Because being LAZY isn't an option. It is time to grow up and to listen to your head and no one elses it is time to do a 360 and prepare yourself and not worry about others, Because all those others could be doing Great.There is absaloutly no time for loving , no time for focusing on friendships,or disputes, no time to just sit aroung thinking about things you can't fix.Once agian that is going to leave you in a postion that just feels wierd. Time to replace all that stuff with books, netwroking,experience, and much more. Well now i know what i am going to do thinking about it i am going to be doing alot post secondary because i WILL indeed be reaping what i sew, not fully though.For I have Learned My Lesson.


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