How Can you Handle That?

Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:59 AM by Stephanie Williams

I Got very upset the other day just thinking about how my parents aren't very supportive about what i want to persue in life. being the ONLY artistc Child in the family it sucks because you have your older sister the LAWYER,your younger sister the CHEF ,and the baby sister who want to be a TEACHER.Then you have the artist the person who wants to act and take pictures for the rest of their life. It sucks i can make a career out of what i do as well. Anyway it sucks that there is absaloutly no support. How much more can i support myself? (<----Stupid Question)It going to be so hard trying to do what i have to do inorder to be successful in my career when i can't do what i need to do because all the opportunites are far away. seeing how i am 17 and my parents are so overprotctive they think i am going to get shot just by watching the sunset on my porch. It sucks! and at first i was thinking about changing my whole entire career plan but no who has time to satify other people? I don't want to do that i want to be satisfied with myself i want to finally feel happy with what i am doing.What is my opinion on unsupportive parents???: I say that they are suppose to be highly involved as well as supportive in anything and everything their child loves. i feel like with there support it will encourage and push thier child to do everything at their best. and There is a difference between pushing your child toooo much and supporting them.Don't blame us as teenagers when we are smoking pot ,drinking ,getting high, or having sex, your just not loving or supporting us enough.So i guess i am going to persue what i want with full force there are no limits i have no time to make others happy i have done that for way to long. It is about time i satify me with full force. I am going to persue Acting & Photography for THAT is my passion whether i have support or not.

-Stephanie Williams

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