Mistakes Are Lessons

Thursday, June 17, 2010 6:27 PM by Stephanie Williams

What sucks about a mistake is that once it happens you can't take it back, that no matter what it is you have to deal with the consequences. It sucks knowing that you hurt someone that you really care about and you can't do anything to change their mind no matter how sorry you are, because at the end of the day things don't run at your clock.Time waits for no one.So wishing and hoping continuosly trying to make things right with someone that just won't accept it is a waist of your time. As much as you would like to make everything okay, you can't because how the other person might feel.So I guess what i am trying to say is to not worry about something you can't change and to make a mistake become a lesson. if you believe in something you have to be paticent and hope things slowly piece back together the right way.

Maybe it isn't bad to give people second chances

-Stephanie Williams

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