I Have Never Been SO Shocked

Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:31 AM by Stephanie Williams

Today was the day that i felt an undiscrible emotion. An emotion that consist of sadness , anger,hystarity, and much more! In my grade twelve Acting Academy Class lets adimit i am not doing well there is literally one day left of school and my teacher decides to pull out the assignment that could change all of our lives. the ALT assignment. little did i know it was going to be SOOOOOOOO much.let's back track alittle bit so i could give you alittle play by play of what exactly happend. we were all in class today working on our exam which is also very hectic. Daniel( a filmmaker involved with our class) and i stepped out for a second to voice record my personal statement. At that point i felt like everything was going to be okay. I would get a good mark and everything would just be alittle bit better. Until i stepped back into the drama room. As i entered looking happy i went to find the class hestarically laughing so i though of it as a joke, until a student sitting beside me that the teacher is unpacking our ALT assignment ....FAST FOWARD------> Then i was hestarically laughing and crying at the same time i felt an undiscribable emotion that was so unbarable it was horrible. all of a sudden i had the urge to pee i felt faintish and a big heavy feeling felt like i was just slapped across the face.Because it was then i realized this "ALT ASSIGNMENT" was a 11 sectioned...50 paged...graph filled...included math (which i failed all 3 years) assignment. Can i repeat it was a 24hour assignment yes bloggies the assignment is due tomorrow. As i balanced my elbows on my knees bowed my head closed my eyes and prayed it was then i realized there had have to be some kind of way to get a GREAT mark and NOT do that ALT ASSIGNNMENT. And i guess god is real because i have came to an conclusion to do my leadership with full force to fullfill every thing i need to fulfill. Hopefully it works out and i get a good mark because if i don't then i will be recounting my days for i will be attending Fletchers Meadow secondary School for another year.

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