
Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:24 PM by Stephanie Williams

They say music is a type of influence. it can make you change emotion, heel emotion, and change your perspctive on the way you see things. They also say music is a bad influence. But i disagree, because when people say that i feel as if the are generaliszing Music. Not all mucsic is bad. You have your Jazz whixch make you feel relaxed, you have your soul music, and R&B. Those are all cateagories that aren't horrible and damage the human mind. I feel the negaive music that impacts the worl negatively are rap,heavy metal rock,and some pop music. And yeah i notice little girls and boys imating the biggest strats and giving us kids the title of holagins.Wait...Maybe Music does have a big impact on our society and is negative in some forms. as a community well all follow like sheep we constantly duplictae instead of being that one black sheep and is unique. all my music i listen to either realte to me inspire me or make me happy so i know for one i am NOT apart of thoughs "BHA BHA" sheep. I refuse to be apart of a crowd that doesn't grow. I think artist should tone it down alittle bit because they are the ones that are influenceeing others to duplicate thewre horrible attitude. it isn't good and parents and older siblings are encourageing it. I say don't give up on music completely just to choose wisley to what you, and your children listen to. My Music to me isn't negative , actually it is my sanity. I love it.


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