Dhomo Experience

Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:36 AM by Stephanie Williams

A couple months back a very successful special guest came to the class and shared his experience with the Acting Academy. Dhomo has been on the apprentice and besides his troubled past has overcame all his obstacles and has basically became a millionaire. I enjoyed his experience as he expressed some very inspirational words at the end of his visit that made me feel really good and positive about my future.There is something Dhomo said to the class which was "Would you ask a negative person for advice?" ,and then he said then why would you listen to yourself, which was then really really inspirational for me bacause as humans we tend to put down ourselves that isn't healthy, and it made me think and becaome more aware of what i was constantly doing to myself, instead of constantly listening to the negative voices in my head (which was me)i should believe in my self and try to build myself up. Overall this has made me more of a positive person.
Thank You Dhomo, Your words ment alot.

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