Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:37 PM by Stephanie Williams
"The Vision Thing"

Reading the article "The Vision Thing", an interview between BSW (BackStage West) & Doctor Maurner. He explains his veiw of the arts in theoretical terms, he is asked questions such as have you pursued the arts?, what drives the actor to pursue such a proffesion?,etc. While Reading this article i was able to connect with some of Dr.Maurner's theories. One quote i agreed with states,"They create their own beauty in an enviorment where it does not exist". I related to this quote obviously because i beleive it is true. actors tend to imagine so they can develope the ability to realisticly act (method acting), like Dr. Maurner said "create their own enviorment". Reasons? because they are trying to create a realistic enviorment inorder to connect to the character, so that the character is believeable. For example when performing a monologue on the spot, (no props) you should be able to , #1 present a believable character, #2 connect with the audience , and #3 create a believeable setting, so the audience can feel what the charcater(you) is feeling. This teqnuiqe isn't just for actors, (even though i am an actor i do this regardless) , people do it all the time because reality is just to real, sometimes it is better of to imagine yourself in a world where it is just perfect for you. Another intersting theory Dr.Maurner states is "remind yourself how lucky you are to have found your craft and have the freedom to pursue it even if that pursuit can be painful". In a way i believe that Dr. Maurner is explaining that although this career path is hard be greatful to at least say: "i have something i am good at, let me go through these obstacles and work harder so i am able to obtain greatness". I could once again say relating to myself that i introduced myself to the acting proffesion and i had to to work really hard in order to be where i am now. I will also state that i am proud to see my progression, and for that i am VERY proud of myself. i feel this article pushed me so much more, i feel that everyone should read it and feel the inspiration as well as the information i was able to gain.

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