Okay so Question: What do you do when your parents don't support your dreams? because i CERTAINLY don't know. if you dissobey and go to accomplish something that has nothing to do with prostitution, drugs nor achohol then what is the issue. in my case i don't think my parents truly understand what art is , and most family members call me the artsy child with a free spirit Mrs "hippie" and say i have a Power of the people type attitude. As we all know the summer just started and still i didn't do much. i went to a pool party at the beginning then i went to the movies and then attended a sleep over. three things i did, and it is now July 19th. -_-. My parents are WAYYYYYY to over protective. Okay Question: have you every felt like it was a hassel to ask your parents if you can do something, only to hear the answer no? Well yeah that has happend to me a MULTIPLE of times. this questions me in sooooo many ways because if you think about it. shouldn`t your parents be confident in the way the raised there children shouldn`t parents think to them self well i didn`t raise no foll and trust us teenagers to do everything and anything responsibly. because once again if you think about it that is the number one reason we rebel, because we constantly hear no when we do the right thing which is asking.And aren`t i tired of hearing that DAMN word. in my opinion i think parents are the MOST hipicritical people in the universe. i feel that they say when they are in a good mood *CLEARS THROAT* ``you guys know you can ask me for anything``. or ``i support you in everything, anything you want to get in to i will be therè``. -_- ......Okay you know thats a lie because when you get intoruble everything comes back up and they trun it into ...why did i even ask you to do this or if you can drop me off here or there.... YOU ARE MY PARENTS!!!!!! you are suppose to do that type of stuff! i shouldnt be afraid to ask you for ANYTHING! but i enjoy taking the bus and going to friggin WALMART by myself BECAUSE number 1 : i dont have to deal with the aftermath of you yelling at me because i took to long, or hearing you regret that you taken me ....or sigh and give subliminal messages about you NOT wanting to be there. so i enjoy taking my public limo. where ever i want to go with my ipod in my ear BLASTING my Musiqsoulchild that soothes my soul making me feel like i am sooooo free WHOOOOO! *takes a breath* ....and FYI i definetly certainly enjoyed my first Runway show! Iam the type of person who is daring and loves to experience any and everything. and i would like to be able to experience EVERYTHING! and sooner or later i will TRUST ME i will.... but it was WICKED awsome! an experience to remember....but that is another blog most definetly.
but for now.....live everyday like it is your last forgive and be forgiven live freely and don`t look through those negaitve google becuas your alive.
As a working student i have come to the conclusion that i definetly HATE working with a passion, especially if it isn't going to be my career job. See i work at this place called Canadian Tire AKA The child prision. The Managers are MEAN, the Customers MEANER, and the habitate, don't even get me started. The job is just dreadful and tiring I have to constantly lift heavy things that are bigger then me. When you ask the biys for help they say there coming but never show up. The managers always assume you are doing something suspicious.It is Honestly ANNOYING it's worse then sombody poking you with a pencil. It's not even like i can book days off!if i call in and kindly ask if i come in late because i need to stay afterschool then it's a problem. THERE IS NO GETTING OUT! isn't all what i listed against the LAW!? It's not fair i don't have a life! Well i decided that i am going to start looking for a new job. and then when i do i will quite Canadian Tire kindly explain in a letter all of the Managers Problms except one. I am also going to Dance my way out Blasting Some kind of gospel music because i will thank jesus for answering my prayers. My last words will be PEACE OUT and GOOD RIDANCE! and it is then i can breathe and witness happiness.
*SIGH* I needed to get that out.
I have alot to say on this topic of sexuality. Growing up in a house hold were you were brought up knowing that being with the same sex isn't right, i have learned to not neccessarily disagree, but think outside of the box and realize that people should be able to to love whom ever they please. I feel that if they truly love the peron, and it's real then there shouldn't be a problem. I feel that our sociiety is very close minded and judgemental it is discusting. as a society we choose to label eachother negativly, which to me is insane. Our society lable Gay, Lesbian,Bisexual,Transexual etc. as disguting when really all they are looking for is love. Don't get me wrong i disagree when they choose and decide to be lustful and do all that stuff just to be nasty. Which the media usually protry gay people to be. permiscuous and disguting. When really once again all they want to do is feel love and acceptance. they want to feel some kind of comfort instead of constantly living behind this identy that just isn't them. I can honestly be truthful with myself when i say that i stand up for gay rights, even though i am none of what i listed earlier. i just HIGHLY disagree with the way they are protryed, and treated because i have been a witness to it several times. I do feel like NOW we are taking some kind of initative to stop discrimination against the gay community, by being invloved in the PRIDE PARADE (which i will be attending this year), and accepting gay marraiges in church i feel like better things will come if we as a community stick up for eachother instead of constantly putting eachother down because of our differences.At the end of the day we are all human beings we are all alike in some kind of way.
They say music is a type of influence. it can make you change emotion, heel emotion, and change your perspctive on the way you see things. They also say music is a bad influence. But i disagree, because when people say that i feel as if the are generaliszing Music. Not all mucsic is bad. You have your Jazz whixch make you feel relaxed, you have your soul music, and R&B. Those are all cateagories that aren't horrible and damage the human mind. I feel the negaive music that impacts the worl negatively are rap,heavy metal rock,and some pop music. And yeah i notice little girls and boys imating the biggest strats and giving us kids the title of holagins.Wait...Maybe Music does have a big impact on our society and is negative in some forms. as a community well all follow like sheep we constantly duplictae instead of being that one black sheep and is unique. all my music i listen to either realte to me inspire me or make me happy so i know for one i am NOT apart of thoughs "BHA BHA" sheep. I refuse to be apart of a crowd that doesn't grow. I think artist should tone it down alittle bit because they are the ones that are influenceeing others to duplicate thewre horrible attitude. it isn't good and parents and older siblings are encourageing it. I say don't give up on music completely just to choose wisley to what you, and your children listen to. My Music to me isn't negative , actually it is my sanity. I love it.
Okay Okay Okay i know i didn't attend the MMVA's. I didn't wait in the line hoping to be one of the thousand of people who recieve a free wristband., and i know i did not travel downtown to go stand up screaming for Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus Headly or Drake. Bu ti did indeed tune in just to be apart of the MMVA experience.And i would have to say dispte the technical difficulty with Drake., and one of Kesha's dnacers dropping on to the floor. It was an overll great show. It isn't everyday you see a whole bunch of stars like that in Canada. I was looking out for fans some people who i knew that would possibly see, but i didn't really see much. it was frustrating because they kept going to the smae people. Huh? Who's performance did i like best? I would have to say Miley Cyrus'es Can't be Tamed Performance, and Katy Perrys California Girls perofmance. They were the best to me. It looked absaloutly amazing on screen i could only imagine how it would have been in person. Although i planned to be there this year things just didn't work out whiched benifited me because of exam pressure, but at the same time i wish i was there, but once again everything happens for a reason. and i am promising my self that next year is my MMVA year no doubt. no one is stopping me weather i have to be there by myself for not. I am going to be apart of the 2011 MMVA Experience. Look Out MMVA for i wil be coming at you with fullforce.
Like I have been saying in my past couple of blogs that i have a tragic monolough character, which is Tina Turner. So in order for me to become more intouch with my character I decided to borrow a documentary from a friend. My Opinion on the movie? It was a really good movie.even though her story was really sad. there were plenty times where i had to hold my head or conver my eyes because the way tina was abused was so heartbreaking and graphic. i feel like after watching the movie that it would be really hard to play such a strong character. I also found the way the husband "ike turner" raped her was horrible plus ontop of that she was forced to perfom right after. once again the movie was extreamly graphic down to the way the showed the bruises on her face.I just couldn't understand how a man could feel he had the right to even lay a finger on any woman and cause so much damange to a persons body.but it all works out in the end when she stands up for herself. se shows him that it really doesn't matter anymore because at the end of the day she has her ,stage name ,her sons ,and she is successful.At the end of the day i have strong respect for Tina turner and her story.At least now she is happy.
What are my views on friendship? I believe a great friend ship is based on two things which are Trust and Communication. I f you already don't start off witht those two things then there is no point in pursuing that friendship.And if your friendship started off strong but ended up roughly I indeed do beilieve in second Chances.I feel that if the person seems truly sorry and it is there first time making that mistake they will soon realize that it was a lesson and to obviously not make the same mistake again if they care. I do value friendship alot but honestly i don't feel like anyone gets my definition of a friend, because going through the friends i either have or had never really took my friendship as what i claimed it to be. But at the smae time i felt that most days i havn't been giving my 100% i was selfish and put myself first at most time. I felt like I was consumed and wan't my normal self when it came to most situations because I was forced to be around the same bodies constantly. But no w i feel like me i got my breather i can share and voice my opinion in a non agressive way. I know how to be happy and not always see me negative experiences as mistakes but as lessons. I was opened and willing to change and to not live an ignorant life. I just hope my has been friends did too. Just to benifit their future and to not make the same mistakes twice.