Dhomo Experience

A couple months back a very successful special guest came to the class and shared his experience with the Acting Academy. Dhomo has been on the apprentice and besides his troubled past has overcame all his obstacles and has basically became a millionaire. I enjoyed his experience as he expressed some very inspirational words at the end of his visit that made me feel really good and positive about my future.There is something Dhomo said to the class which was "Would you ask a negative person for advice?" ,and then he said then why would you listen to yourself, which was then really really inspirational for me bacause as humans we tend to put down ourselves that isn't healthy, and it made me think and becaome more aware of what i was constantly doing to myself, instead of constantly listening to the negative voices in my head (which was me)i should believe in my self and try to build myself up. Overall this has made me more of a positive person.
Thank You Dhomo, Your words ment alot.

Where the Blood Mixes

On Wedensday April the 15th My Acting Academy Class Went to the theatre to watch a play called "Where the Blood Mixes",Written by Kevin Loring, which is about a Native girl who returns back to her homeland in order to reconect with her father.Throughout the play the father "Floyed"(Played By Bill Merasty) has constent memories & dreams about his daughter Christine (Played by Kim Harvey) and how it will be when they finally reunite.As the day comes when the father fianlly get's to meet his daughter,he get's dressed up and meet's her at his meeting spot which is the towns local bar, Where he spends the majority of his time.as he enters the bar he is greeted by his best friend "Mooch" (Played By Ben Cardinal) and the bartender George (Played by Tom McBeath.as the comment on Floyd's apperance they hear the sound of June (Played by Margo Kane) coming which is Mooch's controlling Girlfriend...(To cut to the chase).....Mooch hides because he wasn't suppose to be in the bar, and then after he hides June comes notices Floyed and they start to hug. Mooch walks out and is soo drunk that he accuses June of cheating with his friend Floyd. They soon get into a physical fight as his daughter Christine walks into the bar and see's the whole thing. Later into the play the father and daughter reunite and have a converation about her decised mother and have a touching monment. Overall the play was well written and directed well, also it was filled with messages about the native culture. I really liked it.


I haven't blogged in awhile but i was thinking about the topic Self- esteem and why it is the way it is....like i don't know how to explain it. But why do not only girls but people feel as if they are living to impress everyone but them self? From experience I am still VERY VERY VERY self concious, because of my Middle School experience. It was hard people telling you to do this, and you feel like you HAVE to do it OR ELSE . Or that you have to look a certian way just to get that boys attention, when little do you know that he only enjoy's the fact that you are willing to do or get anything they want from you. And looking back at it yeah i do find it pathetic. but everyone goes through thier own experience ,but the popular girls that get anything they want from boys. because boys hormones are running and expect girls with big breast and bums which you don't have( which means at that age apperance is everything), so then it affects the popular girls positivly because their confidence increases.And because of that they feel the need to make fun of You and belittle you because in their eyes you are "unseucessful" in the sense that they aren't getting any attention. see it's wired to see how people are...i find it funny. if you look at it from the other persons perspective they feel like they have to live up to so much or else they are losers when anyway they are the loser because they are loosing themslef thier persona. And even though now i found my self (not completely but good enough).And have firends that except me for who I am as a person. (Well most of them)That it is important to feel comfortable with myself my apperance and have confidence in my dicisions and in all that i do.I just hope that people can start excepting themselves for who they are and others can too. I ahve alot to build up what those idots who i allowed to break me down. And maybe it's time for me to Start.
