#1 I can't stop Blogging!!!
#2 I am curiuos as to why women are ashamed of being natural i just wanted to say that Natural is beautiful!!!!
i have alot to say on this topic but i would be up allllll night and that my friends is a big NO! in my book!
Don't be afariad to look like this it's beautiful!!!!!!!!


10:49 PM by Stephanie Williams 0 comments



10:35 PM by Stephanie Williams 0 comments



Method Acting Characters!!!!

10:18 PM by Stephanie Williams 0 comments

Well We have to do a Method Acting Excercise which requires me to act like someone i wouldn't normally be.


Oh so you asked what method acting was... Well it is when you loose yourself and act like a character SO realistically people actually beileve it.


by observation of course! watching other people carefully every movement they make weather it be by picking their nose to coughing. it is easy to observe.


The character i had in mind was a carless teenager who drinks smokes talks about sex and hangs around of big old gangster guys. i know can you say "DODGY"!!!

My venue? Let's just say it is my cousins 7 year old birthday party soon... and i haven't seen that side of my family in a long time.



8:49 PM by Stephanie Williams 0 comments

I experienced something today that opened my eyes.
I auditioned for a "show" (documentry) a couple days ago.
And some questions your probably asking i will answer right now...
No i didn't make it onto the show.
Yeah I cried (obviously) to myself.
Reason being i had a feeling my parents would be dissapointed expecially seeing how the whole auditioning experiencing was kinda... "dodgy".
knowing that i proved a couple of people's points.
Realizing that i have failed.
knowing that i made my parents them come out of their way in order for me to have an opportunity.
a chance to actually gain some experience.
Experience that i just won't have the chance to experience.
and i was crying to myself blaming me for be such a failure i began to think
Enjough of that.
Crying won't get me any where.
It made me realize,
All i could do is get up dust my self off and gain courage and confidence in order to go threw with that experience some other time.
And focus on being happy for the people that made it. ( NOT that i was jealous in the first place, because envy is the first step to disaster)
It made me realize that i probably need to work harder in order to get what i want.
It made me realize that it is okay to make mistakes.
i don't know i don't think i could change it because CONFESION: I don't like living in reality. i enjoy dreaming about alot of things that make me feel light instead of heavy and stuck.
It doesn't matter.
The point is i didn't make it
I have to live with it and move on.
I guess...


Branding The Class!

Right now in class we are branding the class, which is when the class splits into 2 groups and we brain storm a name, 3 colours that represent us, and an over all performance that will blow the judges away.
OH! I didn't mention?
Well, yeah we have judges.
Well i could only speak for my group and i think where we are right now,
We are pretty Stable.
I just hop this Monday after we go threw a bullet proof dress rehersal we could possibly get a solid performance.
because truthfully i believe the other group is ahead.
Like we don't even have headshots yet!
I just want everything to be nice i want my group to be represented wrong and finally for everything to run soothly on the performance day.
hopefully our group could pull some strings.
lets hope.
I am able to write anything this time on my today I am going to "blog" about the movie Avatar.

Released on "December 2009". The action packed adventure movie where humans get to visit another dimension in order to get more information about the environment. The movie Starring Sam Worthington as Jake Sully, Zoe Saldana as Neytiri, and Sigourney Weaver as Grace, Directed & Written by James Cameron.

Before seeing the movie Avatar the media caused a rant expressing that it was a movie that took so much time to plan write and make. Once it came out and people started expressing their positive opinions. It pushed me more and more to actually see it for myself. A couple weeks later, my friends and I went to see the movie at the IMAX theatre where the movie was being played 3D. From beginning to end I would have to say that movie was interesting. The Movie's graphics combined with the adventure and action and the fact that i saw it in 3D caused me to loose myself which was well done, Yet the story line was weak, which made me back track and re examine the movie. I wouldn't want to say what the movie is about so I don't ruin the movie for thoughs who haven't seen it yet. I also wouldn't recommend that anyone see the movie without it being in 3D or else the movie would be dry. Overall I would express Avatar as an OUTSTANDING movie, I would say it was a good (on a scale of 1-10 a 7.5 leading to an 8 because I seen it in 3D).
8:37 PM by Stephanie Williams 0 comments
"The Vision Thing"

Reading the article "The Vision Thing", an interview between BSW (BackStage West) & Doctor Maurner. He explains his veiw of the arts in theoretical terms, he is asked questions such as have you pursued the arts?, what drives the actor to pursue such a proffesion?,etc. While Reading this article i was able to connect with some of Dr.Maurner's theories. One quote i agreed with states,"They create their own beauty in an enviorment where it does not exist". I related to this quote obviously because i beleive it is true. actors tend to imagine so they can develope the ability to realisticly act (method acting), like Dr. Maurner said "create their own enviorment". Reasons? because they are trying to create a realistic enviorment inorder to connect to the character, so that the character is believeable. For example when performing a monologue on the spot, (no props) you should be able to , #1 present a believable character, #2 connect with the audience , and #3 create a believeable setting, so the audience can feel what the charcater(you) is feeling. This teqnuiqe isn't just for actors, (even though i am an actor i do this regardless) , people do it all the time because reality is just to real, sometimes it is better of to imagine yourself in a world where it is just perfect for you. Another intersting theory Dr.Maurner states is "remind yourself how lucky you are to have found your craft and have the freedom to pursue it even if that pursuit can be painful". In a way i believe that Dr. Maurner is explaining that although this career path is hard be greatful to at least say: "i have something i am good at, let me go through these obstacles and work harder so i am able to obtain greatness". I could once again say relating to myself that i introduced myself to the acting proffesion and i had to to work really hard in order to be where i am now. I will also state that i am proud to see my progression, and for that i am VERY proud of myself. i feel this article pushed me so much more, i feel that everyone should read it and feel the inspiration as well as the information i was able to gain.
8:28 PM by Stephanie Williams 0 comments
Okay,so I was asked to express my top 3 movies of ALL time, even though there might be some other great movies that probably over shine the ones I am about to post... but here they are...*DRUM ROLL*


An Adventourous film made in 1991,directed by Steven Speilberg,Starring Dustin Hoffman,Robert Williams, & Julia Roberts

#2 The Notebook

The 2004 Dramatic Romance, Directed by Nick Cassavetes, Starring Ryan Gosling, & Rachel McAdams

#3: The Persuite Of Happines

This 2006 based on a True Story film was directed by, Gabrielle Muccino, staring Will Smith, His Son Jaden Smith, & Thandie Newton
What I have in common with all three of theses movies are the fact that I lost my self in every single one. Which I indeed prefer and love doing. For example my first choice Hook, filled with adventure and suspense. the magical Place were kids never grow up. filled with faries and imagination.Fighting Adults for what is rightfully ours,Which makes me feel so happy. My Second choice The Notebook filled with love and perserverance. this movie makes me feel like it is possible for someone to love me just as much as the characters loved eachother.It gives me hope and makes me believe. and My third choice The Pursuit Of Happiness. A movie filled with perserverance, the message meaning fight for your dreams regardless of your obstacles. Lastly it is based on a true story. which inspires me not to give up no matter the circumstance.
Concluding Words From Steph: Like i said earlier i love loosing my self in films, Just feeling what the character feels to me makes a good up coming actor. If That is what you are trying to get into (like myself). Also The acting is so real it doesn't even look like acting, each actor used the technique called method acting.A technique that allows the veiwer to relate to the character. I just feel that if a person was to try to loose themself in a film they would relate much more, and would find the film much more interesting.