Academy Award Movie

Stephanie Williams
Academy Movie Blog
March 23rd 2010
Mrs. Thomas
Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School
Pages: 1
Two Movies I Watch over the March Break were The Devil wears Prada and Shawshank Redemption. Both movies are outstanding jaw dropping movies. Both movies caught my attention throughout the whole entire movie.
I am going to explain both movies and why i enjoyed each of them. Starting with Shawshank Redemption

I've seen this movie three times already, not saying it's a bad thing. The movie shows a persons struggle with being accused of killing his spouse and his survival during the prison process, also it shows a strong bond or friendship between two people. I enjoyed this movie because it made sense, and had a very strong storyline. The actors were SO amazing. The acting was so realistic and because of that it causes the audience to take interest. I encourage people to watch this movie. It is definetly a movie that will engage you.

The Devil Wears Pradat

The devil wears prada was a first, and i would have to say i really enjoyed it. the movie was filled with humor GREAT acting and a wonderful storyline. Once again like shawshank redemption it is an eye catching movie. the story line is really strong that you wonder and ask yourself i woulder what's going to happen. Once again i recommend this movie to everyone.I learend something from this movie which is to gethe work done no matter what the circumstance and to perservere even when you feel you can't anymore.
both of these movies are great movies and are movies i recommend these movies to everyone.

Post Branding!

After all that hard work and dedication.
All the STANK! personalities and facial expressions towards one another.
(which was obviously UNECESSARY).
Both groups presented, and were great!
(Group #1's food was Tre Magnifiuqe?)
The judges came to a decision that EMENINCE PRODUCTION COMPANY!
was the winning group.
I am very content to see that all of my groups hard work and dedication payed off. I am also happy of our Company name and colours (alittle but it is workable).
The point is i am happy our class is finally branded, and tha we can be called....
"Eminence Production Company"